5th Summer School in Historical Sociolinguistics
20 – 27 August, 2011
Metochi, Lesbos, Greece

Peter Trudgill (Agder, Norway):
Societies of Intimates and Mature Linguistics Phenomena

Miriam Meyerhoff (Auckland, New Zealand):
Creole speech communities as sociolinguistic constructs

Anita Auer (Utrecht, Netherlands) & Tony Fairman (Independent, United Kingdom):
The lower orders in their own 'rite' (England, c. 1750–1835)

Jack Chambers (Toronto, Canada):
Language and Global Warming

Elin Fredsted (Flensburg, Germany):
German and Danish – supra-regional influence and regional contact since the Early Modern Period

Sonja Janssens (VU Brussels, Belgium):
Quantitative methods in sociolinguistics: understanding statistics

Leigh Oakes (Queen Mary London, United Kingdom):
Language planning as identity planning: the case of Quebec

This is the fifth summer school organised by the Historical Sociolinguistics Network (HiSoN) and it will offer classes by leading experts on modern and historical sociolinguists. The venue is the University of Agder's Metochi study centre, a former monastery on the Greek island of Lesbos. Classes will take place in the morning and early evening and you will have the opportunity to present your own research at a special session.

The school will last for one week and the cost of £499 includes accommodation, three meals per day, tuition, and an excursion. If you register and pay in full before May 1st, 2011, we will give you a discount of £80, i.e. you will only pay £419. We would like to point out that we're not making a profit from this and neither organisers nor teachers get a fee for their work.